Blossom Station is offering an enrichment program for our preschool children centered around Outdoor Experiences. Twice a month the TimberNook staff bring a theme-based outdoor activities in which the children are given sensory, motor and social experiences on our state-of-the-art playground. These activities encourage the children to use their imagination, critical thinking skills, and the ability to negotiate the materials provided with their classmates. This opportunity allows children to expand their play in new and unique ways.
Children Are Given Time and Space
The staff will step back and empower age-appropriate risk-taking and deep play, based on process-oriented learning. Children are able to work out solutions to problems and develop complex play schemes.
The Effects of Outdoor Play on Emotional Stability
Getting plenty of movement affects the body’s ability to regulate emotions and activity level. Research proposes that spending time in nature also lowers cortisol levels in the brain, promoting calmness and improved mood.
The Effects of Outdoor Play on Social Skills
Ample, unrestricted outdoor playtime leads to creative social adventures amongst children. They create their own societies in nature, build structures together as a group, and dive into imaginary games with peers.
The Effects of Outdoor Play on Attention
Children improve their attention span when they play outside on a daily basis. Increased movement and activity help to stimulate and ignite the brain for sustained attention to task.